meet the Faculties and facilitators Responsible for the Event
dr. Theresia CT Novy, Sp.KFR, MKes, FIPP, CIPS
- PMR Staff of Kandou CGH & Unsrat Medical Faculty
- Examiner, Lecturer and WS Facilitator of FIPP since 2017
- Indonesia PMR IPM Fellow since 2017
- Interventional Physiatrist at Bandung Pain Rehab Center and PIK Pain Rehab Clinic
- Secretary of WIP Section Indonesia
- August 1st:
- C-ARM Guided IPM Exam Preparation Workshop
- August 2nd:
- Ultrasound Guided IPM Exam Preparation Workshop
- August 3rd:
- 3MLP Ultrasound Guided IPM on Musculoskeletal Workshop
- August 4th:
- Panel Symposium:
- Managing Pain Wisely: Surgery or Conservative
- Workshop for Practitioners:
- The Role of GP in Klinik Bebas Nyeri
- The Role of GP in Pain Management
- Physical Examination for Pain Diagnosis
- Skill station: Pain Diagnosis for GP
- Workshop for Pain Specialists
- US Guided IPM on Shoulders
- Panel Symposium:
- August 5th
- Manado Pain Rehab Center Pain Management Charity & Real Patient Workshop
- August 6th
- Remote Island Pain Management Charity & Real Patient Workshop
dr. Fortuna Meita , Sp.S, M.Kes., CIPS, FIPP
- Neurologist at Siloam Hospital Purwakarta
- Examiner, Lecturer and WS Facilitator of CIPS since 2022
- August 1st:
- C-ARM Guided IPM Exam Preparation Workshop
- August 2nd:
- Ultrasound Guided IPM Exam Preparation Workshop
- August 3rd:
- 3MLP Ultrasound Guided IPM on Musculoskeletal Workshop
dr. Dewa Gd Satria AP, M.Biomed, Sp.OT, CIPS
- Head of Orthopedic Department Balimed Hospital Jembrana Bali
- August 2nd:
- Ultrasound Guided IPM Exam Preparation Workshop
- August 3rd:
- 3MLP Ultrasound Guided IPM on Musculoskeletal Workshop
dr. Gunawan Kurniadi, Sp.K.F.R.
- Head of Pain Special Interest Group – PP PERDOSRI
- August 3rd:
- 3MLP Ultrasound Guided IPM on Musculoskeletal Workshop
- August 4th:
- US Guided IPM on Knees
- August 5th
- Manado Pain Rehab Center Pain Management Charity & Real Patient Workshop
Dr. dr. Jimmy Panelewen, Sp.B-KBD
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Pain Management to Reduce Global Healthcare Cost Burden
- Symposium:
Dr. dr. Joudy Gessal, Sp.K.F.R., M.S. (K)
- PMR Staff of Kandou CGH & Unsrat Medical Faculty
- Study Program Coordinator of PMR Department Unsrat Medical Faculty
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Pain in Pediatrics: How to Evaluate?
- Symposium:
- August 5th:
- Manado Pain Rehab Center Pain Management Charity & Real Patient Workshop
Dr. dr. Theresia Isye Mogi, Sp. K.F.R., K.R. (K), SH, M.Kes
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Relieve Pain Aerobic Exercise
- Symposium:
Dr. dr. Christina Adelle Damopolii, Sp. K.F.R
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Musculoskeletal Pain: Easy Come Easy Go?
- Symposium:
dr. Lidwina S. Sangkey, Sp. K.F.R., N.M. (K)
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Spinal Cord Injury: is there any cure for the pain?
- Symposium:
dr. Elfrida I. Marpaung, Sp. K.F.R., Ger. (K)
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Neck Femur Fracture Pain in Geriatrics; How to overcome?
- Symposium:
dr. Jenny J.C. Pandaleke, Sp. K.F.R
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Giants in Geriatric Pain
- Symposium:
dr. Gloria E. Rondonuwu, Sp. K.F.R
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Moderator
- Symposium:
dr. Christopher Lampah, Sp. K.F.R
- August 4th:
- Symposium:
- Moderator
- Workshop for Practitioners:
- The Role of GP in Klinik Bebas Nyeri
- The Role of GP in Pain Management
- Physical Examination for Pain Diagnosis
- Skill station: Pain Diagnosis for GP
- Symposium:
- August 6th
- Remote Island Pain Management Charity & Real Patient Workshop
dr. Daniel Hadimartana, Sp.K.F.R.
- August 4th:
- Workshop for Practitioners:
- The Role of GP in Klinik Bebas Nyeri
- The Role of GP in Pain Management
- Physical Examination for Pain Diagnosis
- Skill station: Pain Diagnosis for GP
- Workshop for Practitioners:
Ns. Jeavery S. Bawotong, S.Kep, M.M.Kes
- August 4th:
- Workshop for Nurses
- Manajemen Nyeri Keperawatan
- Asuhan Keperawatan Klinik Nyeri Skill Station 1: Asesmen Awal Pasien
- Peran Perawat pada Tindakan IPM Skill Station 2: Perawat Asisten IPM & USG
- Manfaat IPM dan Peran Perawat
- Edukasi & Follow Up Post-IPM Skill Station 3: Simulasi Edukasi Post-IPM
- Workshop for Nurses
Ns. Dhini Amynarti Wardiani, S.Kep.
- August 4th:
- Workshop for Nurses
- Manajemen Nyeri Keperawatan
- Asuhan Keperawatan Klinik Nyeri Skill Station 1: Asesmen Awal Pasien
- Peran Perawat pada Tindakan IPM Skill Station 2: Perawat Asisten IPM & USG
- Manfaat IPM dan Peran Perawat
- Edukasi & Follow Up Post-IPM Skill Station 3: Simulasi Edukasi Post-IPM
- Workshop for Nurses
Ns.Ketut Suwendra,.S.Kep.
- August 4th:
- Workshop for Nurses
- Moderator
- Workshop for Nurses